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Month: July 2014

Medical Imaging, News, Scientific Results

This thesis is focused on the automatic detection of sources (objects) in astronomical images. These sources are something […]

News, Projects, Underwater Robotics, Underwater Vision

From Wednesday 9th to Friday 18th of July, several MORPH European project experiments were held in Girona. Their […]

Educational Robotics, News, Underwater Robotics

Del 7 al 11 de juliol va tenir lloc la segona edició del Campus PRESUB a les instal•lacions […]

3D perception, News

This year 19th BMVA Computer Vision Summer School 2014 was held in Swansea, UK from 30th June till […]

Medical Imaging, News, Scientific Results

Malignant melanoma is the rarest and deadliest of skin cancers causing three times more deaths than all other […]