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Xarxa Marítima de Catalunya

Tech Transfer

IP: Pere Ridao
Institution: UB – Universitat de Barcelona
Program: AGRX – Ajuts de suport a la recerca de grups i xarxes
Code: 2018 XARDI 00005
Duration: 01/01/2018 31/12/2022

The Xarxa (network) is meeting point for the entire Blue Economy sector in Catalonia, both public and private, to transfer knowledge.

We believe in the need to establish links between the world of research and society (quadruple helix) to transfer knowledge and, together, work to have a more SUSTAINABLE and RESPECTFUL world with our sea.
The principles of the Network are: multidisciplinary approach, innovation, inclusion, open spirit, complementarity, leadership, collaboration, commitment to society and transparency.

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