Avui és un dia especial per al nostre equip del CIRS – centre d’investigació en robòtica submarina. Hem […]
As a part of the PLOME project, we intend to develop a robust and reliable underwater solutions for […]
Past week the CIRS team from VICOROB, together with CIRTESU members from Jaume I University, conducted a series […]
Understanding the marine ecosystem is key to monitoring, evaluating, and managing its functioning. To do this, the scientific […]
From the 15th to the 17th of March, our researcher Marc Carreras has been at the Oceanology International […]
During the last week researchers from VICOROB have collaborated with a team from Jacobs University within the EUMarineRobots […]
TWINBOT is a project that aims to develop a new kind of I-AUVs able to work autonomously in […]
From the 2nd to the 6th of March, a team of researchers and students of the Université de […]
The first Thematic Workshop called “Autonomous Underwater Intervention” took place on February 11th and 12th within the framework […]
This November, we board the vessel “Sarmiento de Gamboa” together with the CSIC scientifics, in charge of the […]
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Campus Montilivi, Edifici P4
17003 Girona
Tel: +34 972 41 89 05
Parc Científic i Tecnològic de la UdG (CIRS)
C/ Pic de Peguera, 13
17003 Girona
Tel. +34 972 41 98 71