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Educational Robotics

Project reference: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000087888
Coordinators: UdG – Universitat de Girona
Total Budget: 400 000,00 €
UdG Budget: 125 450,00 €
Duration: 01/12/2022 – 30/11/2025
UdG Project Coordinator: Dr. Jordi Freixenet

The “Basket ChangeMaker: play, include, and educate” (BaskEUball) aims to respond to the vulnerability and social exclusion situation of children aged 6 to 12 who study in multicultural schools in Europe.

To do this, the project aims to use basketball as a powerful tool to promote inclusion and democratic values as the practice of sport becomes a generator of opportunities for everyone, not just from the sport itself, but also for children’s academic, personal and collective development. This means curricular learning and the development of life skills for all children.

In this sense, the project will implement active methods that connect the practice of sports and the creative use of art and technology, to develop lifelong learning and skills for both children and teachers, as well as the entire educational community involved in the project.

The project involves partners from three different countries where basketball is strongly rooted (Spain, Lithuania and Greece); for example, in Lithuania, it is considered a “second religion”. In each country, a school, a basketball club, and a university (or educational organisation) are involved as partners.

Each year the project will select a group of girls and boys from vulnerable communities, integrate them into different basketball teams (inclusion) and provide them with training following the school project. It’s about working together in school and extracurricular basketball, to provide integral education in and out of school hours. It’s about getting basketball into school, and at the same time getting school into extracurricular activities. It’s all about educating the kids.

The project aims to launch, monitor and pilot for 3 years, involving about 3250 children and 275 teachers and educators. The results of the project will allow us to have the mechanisms and tools, which on the one hand prove to be successful and on the other hand, already have the basis to be.



Coordinator: UdG- Universitat de Girona
Action Synergy SA
Escola La Farga
Club Bàsquet Salt
Lietuvos Sporto Universitetas
2nd Primary School Nea Peramos – Attikis
Enosi Neas Paramou – Megaron
Kauno sv. Kazimiero Progimnazija
Krepsinio Akademija Snaiperis

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Educational Robotics