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Educational Robotics


Project reference: : 580325-EPP-1-2016-1-ES-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN
IP: Xavier Cufí
TOTAL BUDGET : 493.163 euros
DURATION: 31/12/2016 -31/12/2019

I4EU is a project created for the purpose of adapting and improving a project that already exists, Inventors4Change, which for the past 3 years has been promoting connections between underprivileged children in Spain and India and encouraging them to become agents of change in their communities with the help of Technologies for Creative Learning and Digital Media tools.

I4EU will foster social inclusion and equity in underprivileged schools (with particular emphasis on newly arrived migrant children) through highly innovative and engaging connected learning experiences. Under the scope of I4EU, migrant children of disadvantaged schools in Europe will be interconnected among them and with children from other schools, and mixed teams with children from different countries will co-create projects and invent solutions that revolve around global issues.

This is a project developed through iterations (waves). During the two years of the project there will be three waves, which will allow to test, adapt, disseminate and upscale the previous experience with Inventors4Change, but now in Europe. Each wave of I4EU will allow to gradually add more schools. But the third iteration will be an online opening that will potentially let the project reach a large number of European schools.

The process will begin with the transformation of a first small group of disadvantaged schools. These schools are disadvantaged for different reasons and belong to very different contexts: London suburbs, deteriorated neighborhoods in Spain, resource-poor areas in Romania, and rural areas of Italy. They all have newly arrived migrant students or students who belong to minorities who suffer inequalities, like Roma children.

As main results, an online platform for connecting schools and methodologies for implementing the Invention-Based Collaborative Learning approach will be designed and developed. Another result will be a MOOC for teachers and education stakeholders.



Universitat de Girona
Escola Veïnat-Salt
Constantin Ianculescu High-School
Universita Degli Studi Di Perugia
London South Bank University LBG
Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore “G. Giovagnoli”

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