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Xarxa d’Indústria 4.0 de Catalunya

Tech Transfer

IP: Pere Ridao
Institution: UPC – Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Program: AGRX – Ajuts de suport a la recerca de grups i xarxes
Code: 2018 XARDI 00015
Duration: 01/01/2018 – 31/12/2022

The Fourth Industrial Revolution Network (XaFIR) has been created with the main actors in research and development in the area of Industry 4.0 in Catalonia, to promote the mass implementation of these technologies in the Catalan production sector.

Xafir is formed of 400 researchers from 35 Catalan research groups that are pioneers in the area of Industry 4.0. The aim is for Catalonia to progress in industrial digitalisation to achieve entirely smart factories and for the network to become a benchmark in Europe. It will be a key disruptive agent of the transformation of the industrial sector, which will promote the mass implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies in the productive sector in Europe.

Since 2019, the group is part of the Catalan network XAFIR “Xarxa Fourth Industrial Revolution”, ref. 2018 XARDI 00015, which is part of the R&D catalan networks grants to carry out programs for the valorisation and transfer of the research results. Dr. Josep Forest is one of the seven members of the technology Council board, the advisory body that promotes the adequacy of the strategies and general lines of action defined by the General Assembly.

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