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A Scanner to Advance Early Detection of Melanoma

March 7, 2025

For four years, VICOROB has led the European project iToBoS, with a clear goal: to develop a full-body scanner to diagnose different types of skin cancer early and in a personalised way, using a computer-assisted tool (CAD). We are talking about a type of cancer with a growing incidence, where melanoma is the leading cause of death among the different existing types.

During this time, we have worked to design an intelligent full-body scanner capable of capturing contactless skin images and combining them with the patient’s medical, demographic, and genomic information. This holistic analysis makes it possible to calculate each person’s risk and offer an early, accurate, and highly personalised melanoma diagnosis, as well as to carefully monitor it over time and improve skin cancer detection.

iToBoS is an international consortium made up of twenty partners and has received 12 million euros in funding from the Horizon 2020 programme.

Now, coinciding with the final project meeting in Girona, the results of this collaborative research have been presented.


Online press

Un projecte de la UdG desenvolupa una eina de detecció precoç del melanoma. Ciència, Girona – 5 març 2025. El Punt Avui.

Un projecte liderat per la UdG desenvolupa una eina de detecció precoç del melanoma. 5 març 2025. Diari de Girona.

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