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Training of trainers workshop celebrated in Girona within the framework of the MONTECH Erasmus+ project

February 8, 2022

On the 2, 3 and 4 the UdiGitalEdu group hosted the “training of trainers” workshop within the framework of the Erasmus+ project called MONTECH “Blended Montessori-Creative Technologies approach for successful inclusion in Multicultural Schools.


The goal of the MONTECH training was to prepare teacher trainers so they could organize training workshops for primary school teachers, with the purpose of improving of the management of diversity in the classroom through the MONTECH activities.


The MONTECH activities are gathered in a guide called “Teaching Creative Technologies using a Montessori Approach”. A guide that has been developed in the previous months with the partners of the consortium, specially the UdG, the Waterpark Montessori International and Montessori Palau.


The creation phase of the guide has culminated with the organization of the training course held in Girona, where a total of 33 teachers from schools across Europe has participated in the training accompanied by the project partners.


The trained trainers, upon completion of the guide, are expected to cooperate with the project partners in order to organize the Teacher training workshops at the national level.


The event has had the support of the Montessori Palau School, the Factoria Cultural Coma Cros of Salt and the Escola Politècnica Superior, from the UdG, which have given up their spaces in order to carry out the training.



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