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An interview with Josep Aulinas

July 10, 2018

Josep Aulinas,

Industrial Engineer, ViBOT Master and PhD in Technology, currently working at NVIDIA in Germany


I graduated in Industrial Engineering at the Polytechnics School at the University of Girona in 2006. I received VIBOT master’s degree (European Master in VIsion and roBOTics) in 2008. VIBOT master is a collaboration between the Université de Bourgogne (Le Creusot, France), the Universitat de Girona (Girona) and Heriot­Watt University (Edinburgh, Scotland). On September 2011, I completed my PhD in Computer Vision and Robotics at the Computer Vision and Robotics Group at the University of Girona under the supervision of Prof. Joaquim Salvi and Prof Yvan R. Petillot. During this period, I conducted research on Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). After completing my PhD, I joined ADASENS, first near Barcelona and later in Lindau (Germany), where I designed, developed, and led the implementation of embedded solutions for camera based Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). In November 2016, I joined Nvidia Munich as a Platform Architect in the Automotive business unit.


Can you tell us what do you do in your daily work?

Automotive platform Architect role means to collaborate on a technical basis with OEMs and Tier 1 Eco-System partners to create some of the most cutting edge and high-end platforms for leading car manufacturers. I must ensure that the customer has the technology capable of delivering their required solution. In addition, I help formulate concepts and advise on how to create industry leading solutions. To do so, it is key to build strong relationships with customers on the foundations of my advice, technical expertise and knowledge.


Professionally speaking, where do you see yourself in 10 years time?

I like to imagine myself designing or leading the design and development of cool technology, technology that matters, that is meaningful and helpful to people.


What do you remember the most of your old times in ViCOROB?

The people, the team, the atmosphere.


Would you like to give any tip to current students?

Be passionate about your research, do not rush to get quick results, think first, do not do because you have to, do because it makes sense to, be critical, be curious, small details matter, be open minded, listen to all feedback and take mistakes as opportunities.


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