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Category: News

Educational Robotics, News

“Early mastery: How to playfully motivate schoolkids to master computer programming” és el títol del projecte finançat per […]

3D perception, News

L’objectiu de la jornada permetrà introduir-nos en el món de les tecnologies 3D i visualitzar les diferents aplicacions […]

Medical Imaging, News

Breast cancer screening based on mammography (MG) has had a major impact on reducing mortality at affordable cost. […]

News, Underwater Robotics, Underwater Vision

Oceanology International is the world leading marine science and ocean technology exhibition. Every two years, Oceanology International brings […]

News, Projects, Underwater Robotics, Underwater Vision

Horizon2020 project STRONGMAR kick-off meeting was held on 7th of March 2016 at the Instituto de Engenharia de […]

Medical Imaging, News

The 28th annual European Congress of Radiology (ECR) took place last week at the Austria Center Vienna. From […]


ViCOROB es consolida com un model a seguir a nivell internacional en l’àmbit de la robòtica i la […]


El torneig d’aquest any, organitzat per la UdG, Fundació Princesa de Girona i Fundació Scientia aquest cap de […]

Medical Imaging, News

Last week, the member of the Image Analysis Laboratory Oliver Diaz attended the training course “Achieving Quality in […]


These last three month were different. The past 23th of September I took the plane to London to […]