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Category: Projects

Educational Robotics, News, Projects

L’equip d’ va realitzar el passat dimecres dia 7 de Maig un taller molt especial dins el projecte […]

News, Projects, Underwater Robotics

From 7-11th April 2014, a number of autonomous underwater and surface vehicles (robots) from several European institutions will […]

News, Projects, Underwater Vision

Vicorob, el grup de recerca en Visió per Computador i Robòtica, ha participat en el procés de realització […]

News, Projects, Underwater Robotics, Underwater Vision

Next thursday the 6th of March it will take the 2nd annual review of the PANDORA FP7 project […]

News, Projects, Underwater Robotics, Underwater Vision

Today it takes place the kick off meeting of ROBOACADEMY – “European Academy for Marine and Underwater Robotics”, […]

News, Projects

Five days of trials are nearing the end, and Ifremer is proud to have hosted this achievement. All […]