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Egyptian PhD student at VICOROB: Mostafa Salem

March 5, 2016

I’m Mostafa Salem, the Egyptian PhD student at VICOROB. I have had a fund from the Egyptian government to get my PhD from any country all over the world. Actually, I like the medical imaging area of research, specially Brain MRI MS Lesion detection. I searched about the universities and Labs that are interested in this area and I found VICOROB at UdG in Girona, Catalunya. They are working in the state of the art in many branches of medical imaging.


Really, I like Catalunya so much because of its Barcelona football team. Girona is a good city which has friendly and nice people. I like Girona very much. I visited many places here like the old town and Costa Brava, which has one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.


I’m now a member of the NICOLE project (TIN2014-55710-R, Spanish RETOS 2014 call), which aims to advance the state of the art in various areas such as the development of RM biomarkers for MS and the generalization of the tools for use in different MRI machines (Siemens, Philips and General Electric). The data acquired in the project will allow this pioneering work to analyze the differences in performance with respect to MRI scanners and the development of strategies for obtaining more reliable, robust, efficient and fully automated computerized tools.

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