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Final Transnational Meeting of the TalentMaker project

December 1, 2022

The project works to reduce the digital gap in the most complex schools that were generated during home confinement. It is an international project in which the Education and Technology research group (UdiGitalEdu) and the Pla de Salt school (Gironès) participate. The research was born out of an initiative that this school already had, ‘Talents’, to improve distance education among students of diverse ethnic profiles. The methodology combines the promotion of various talents that each child can have with an education model known as the ‘maker’, that is to say, ‘doing to learn.


The University of Girona and the Pla de Salt school promote an international research project. It does this with the University of Craiova, the Constantin Ianculescu school from Romania, the Action Synergy organization, and the Alikarnassou school from Greece. These partners will explore the effectiveness of a set of learning activities developed by the whole team that the Pla de Salt school has put into operation to check good practice.


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