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Our 1st Transnational Meeting

November 12, 2021

In the first week of November, the University of Girona (UdiGitalEdu) team coordinated a face-to-face meeting in Craiova (Romania) to review the work done and discuss the following steps of the Talent Maker Project (Erasmus+).


During the meeting, the partners visited one of the consortium schools (Constantin Ianculescu), discussed the Methodology (IO1) and the format of the Digital Educative Capsules (IO2) and participated and created some Talent Maker Workshops. Moreover, they assigned tasks and organized the next phases.


Representatives of all partners attended the meeting hosted by the University of Craiova and Constantin Ianculescu School: UdiGitalEdu (Girona, Spain), El Pla School (Salt, Spain), University of Craiova (Craiova, Romania), Constantin Ianculescu School (Cârcea, Romania), Action Synergy (Athens, Greece) and Alikarnassou School (Crete, Greece).


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