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Out on holidays

July 31, 2015

It is time to rest, we are going out of the office for a few days !!! More precisely, from the 1st to the 31st of August. Take your time to rest, play, travel, swim…in short, enjoy the summer and try to recover your batteries for the return.

See you again from the 1st of September!!


Toca descansar, ens n’anem durant uns dies!!!  En concret de l’1 d’agost al 31. Aprofiteu per descansar, jugar, viatjar, banyar-se a la platja o la piscina….en definitiva fer tot allò que us vingui de gust!! I carregar piles per la tornada.

Ens veiem a partir de l’1 de setembre. Bones vacances!!!

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