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R2B2 workshops! 5 years of history at the UdG!

Dissemination of research is a must nowadays. Back in 2009, at the University of Girona and inspired in dissemination techniques of MIT, three professors of Computer Vision and Robotics Institute designed the R2B2 workshops. These 3-day workshops consist on building underwater robots out of recycled materials in a low cost basis. Teams of 3 to 5 students from 12 to 16 years old, conceive, design, build and test their own prototypes at the University. They are taught the principles on mathematics, physics and robotics in order to be able to make a complete design that finally works. Supported by a team of researchers, they have the chance to meet the University team deeply.

These workshops have been modified along time to be adapted in terms of time and age and they are currently a reference in Spain. The same workshops are conducted in PLOCAN in Canary Islands and at PLANCTON Divulgació in Tarragona.

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