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The experience to attend VISAPP and IAPR-MVA

conference international
June 19, 2015

In March and April, I had the opportunity to attend two different international conferences to present my work about 3D registration. The first one was the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) in Berlin. It was my first time in a conference and the experience was overwhelming. We were arround 300 participants exchanging our work in progress. It was a little bit difficult to manage the schedule because there were five different lines of presentations, and many interesting papers to see. Maybe my inexperience in conferences was the reason.

The second conference was the IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (IAPR-MVA) located in Tokyo, a little further. In this case, it was a very different experience. Besides the long flight, we had the opportunity to discover a very interesting culture. Tokyo is an impresive city, where the crowds move along the streets as a sea of people, everywhere, all the time. Another interesting thing about Tokyo is that it is a multi-level city: you can walk through underground paths, or at the street level, or through elevated roads, by walking, with car, metro, monorail, train…

This conference was located at Miraikan (National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation), which was full of exhibitions about new techinologies. I met a lot of people, and had the opportunity to show my work and exchange opinions about our common topics of research.

Els passats mesos de març i abril vaig tenir l’oportunitat d’assistir a dues conferències internacionals i presentar la meva feina sobre registre 3D. La primera va ser la International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) a Berlín. Va ser el meu primer congrés i l’experiència va ser molt bona. Érem uns 300 participants presentant la nostra feina. Va ser una mica difícil assistir a totes les presentacions que volia perquè hi havia cinc sessions en paral•lel. La meva inexperiència amb congressos en devia tenir la culpa.

El segon congrés va ser el IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (IAPR-MVA) a Tokio, una mica més lluny. En aquest cas va ser una experiència molt diferent. A part del llarguíssim viatge en avió, vaig tenir l’oportunitat de conèixer una cultura molt interessant. Tokio és una ciutat impressionant, on la multitud es mou d’un costat a l’altre com si fos una marea de gent. És espectacular veure com riades de gent es mou entre estacions de metro i tren, sense xocar els uns contra els altres. Una altra cosa curiosa de Tokio és que és una ciutat multi nivell: un es pot desplaçar per camins subterranis sota els edificis, o bé pel carrer, o pels passos elevats, ja sigui caminant, amb cotxe, tren, monorail, metro….

La conferència va tenir lloc al Museu Miraikan (National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation) que estava ple d’exhibicions tecnològiques i gadgets electrònics. Vaig tenir l’oportunitat de conèixer molta gent i d’intercanviar opinions sobre el nostre camp de recerca en comú. N’estic molt content.


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