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VICOROB Institute’s Day

December 7, 2023

This week, the VICOROB Institute successfully hosted its “Jornades Institut VICOROB.”


The event unfolded at La Talaia, a mere 20-minute drive from Campus Montilivi, providing team members with a unique opportunity to strengthen bonds and cultivate a more collaborative atmosphere.


The day commenced with a warm welcome and presentations from different research labs, offering a comprehensive overview of the innovative work occurring within the group.



A standout moment was a team-building activity strategically crafted to bolster cohesion and inspire collaboration among team members.


The day wrapped up with a laid-back lunch, fostering a relaxed setting for personal interactions and the cultivation of closer relationships among colleagues.


In summary, the “Jornades Institut VICOROB” proved to be a resounding success, highlighting the spirit of connection and collaboration within the research group. This day was not merely about fortifying personal ties; it also played a crucial role in fostering a deeper understanding and teamwork across the various research areas.


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