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ViCOROB is leading a health project that aims to develop an AI diagnostic platform for early detection of melanoma.

April 22, 2021

ViCOROB, is the leader of the iToBos –Intelligent Total Body for Early Detection of Melanoma H2020 European project. The project will aim to develop a novel total body scanner and a Computer Aided Diagnostics (CAD) tool to integrate various data sources such as medical records, genomics data and in vivo imaging.


The project will provide a new AI-powered personalized diagnostic tool for early detection of melanoma exploiting all available sources of information for a given patient, such as demographics information, clinical history, family history, genetic predisposition, phenotypic characteristics and skin imaging data. All this information will allow accurate risk stratification and personalized care to transform clinical practice, leading to a holistic melanoma risk score for every patient. Moreover, the explainable AI components developed in iToBoS will be able to deliver in-depth explanatory feedback to the dermatologists using our technology, as part of the workflow of the delivered risk assessment software tools explained Prof. Rafael Garcia, head of the Computer Vision Lab and full professor at the Polytechnic School of the University of Girona (UdG).


New total body scanner


Besides of taking the lead of the project, ViCOROB will deal with the overall system architecture, use of liquid lenses and image processing.


The members of the consortium cover both research (5 research centers) and industrial areas (4 industrial companies and 6 SMEs), as well as the end users of the technology to be developed (3 hospitals and 1 patients’ NPO). Overall, it makes a strong and well-balanced partnership, built to ensure the achievement of the ambitious project results.


That project is funded by the European Comission under the H2020 research and innovation programme, allocating €12 M.


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