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Vicorob participated in the 16th International Workshop on Breast Imaging.

June 7, 2022

During 22-25 May, Robert Martí attended the 16th International Workshop on Breast Imaging held in Leuven, Belgium. In addition to being part of the scientific committee, we presented two posters and one oral contribution. It was a good opportunity to meet with colleagues as was one of the first on-site conferences in the field after COVID.


I was particularly happy to meet former VICOROB researchers who also presented their work: Oliver Díaz, Kaisar Kushibar and Eloy García, all currently at the University of Barcelona.


This is a great workshop that brings together industry, clinicians and radiologists, medical physics, and medical imaging researchers to present the advancements on breast cancer detection, diagnosis and risk prediction. Next conference will be in 2024 in Chicago.


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