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VICOROB’s Research Recognized as Consolidated Group by AGAUR

March 10, 2023

VICOROB research lines, Underwater Vision and Robotics, Medical Imaging, and Educational Robotics; have renewed their recognition as a consolidated research group from AGAUR, the Catalan Agency for the Management of University and Research Grants.


This recognition has a duration of 3 years, from 2022 to 2024, and we are very pleased to have obtained this renewal. The CIRS SGR and AIA SGR have also received funding to drive their research. The goal of the call is to boost the activities of the research groups to strengthen their scientific, economic, and social impact, as well as promote their international projection.


This recognition acknowledges the effort and work carried out in recent years and gives us a vote of confidence to continue at the level of excellence that we work towards every day in the following years.

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