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Oliver Díaz has recently joined two new working groups of the EFOMP

June 11, 2019

VICOROB’s member Oliver Díaz has recently joined two new working groups (WGs) of the European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP). Each WG has specific objectives to accomplish within the next two years (2019-2021). In the first WG (Breast tomosynthesis QC protocol), new protocols will be defined to perform quality control tests on breast tomosynthesis systems to guarantee a minimum image quality for breast cancer diagnosis. The other WG (Artificial Intelligence) is focused on the integration of Artificial Intelligence into the Medical Physics curricular and professional programmes in Europe.

The participation in these WGs reinforces Oliver’s effort to continue contributing to the medical imaging and medical physics community, since he currently participates in other WGs of the Spanish Society Medical Physics  and the American Association of Physicists in Medicine.

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