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Wishing you the best for 2017

December 16, 2016

ViCOROB wants to wish you Happy Holidays and Happy New Year…:)

This year we felt like going handcrafted / recycled to make our Christmas Greetings…
The result is here, we hope you enjoy it!

We will be closed from December the 23th to  January  the 6th  2017.



Des de ViCOROB us volem desitjar Bones Festes  i Feliç Any Nou 2017.

Aquest any ens em sentit creatius, alhora de fer la nostra felicitació de Nadal…
Aquest és el resultat, esperem el disfriteu!!

Us recordem que, durant aquestes vacances (23 desembre a 6 de gener),
restarem tancats.



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