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Best poster award on the XXXIV Edition of the Jornadas de Automática

jornades automàtica
December 8, 2013

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Guillem Vallicrosa, PhD Student at ViCOROB, receives the best poster award for the research work “Realtime AUV Terrain Based Navigation with Octomap”.

From the 4-6th of September 2013 took place the XXXIV edition of the Jornadas de Automática held in ETSEIAT and EET of the UPC campus in Terrassa (Barcelona).

The department of Systems Engineering, Automatics and Industrial Informatics (ESAII) organize the workshop and they have been a meeting point for the industry and the university research in the field of the workshop.
The new events incorporated in the program are the First Contest of flying robots at the UPC and a course on domestic mobile robotics.
voladors a la UPC i un curs de robòtica humanoide de servei domèstic.
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