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Last week we participated actively in European Robotics Forum that took place in the beautiful city of Vienna (Austria). There, besides meeting with researchers in robotics field in Europe, we had the chance to participate in the Entrepreneurial Workshop (in the framework of ROCKeu project) and to attend presentations on various projects on our field.


In the event, the main representatives of euRobotics platform where chosen. They will be the team that might contribute to the definition of H2020 robotics policies along 2015. Next year, the meeting point will be Ljubjana in Slovenia.


The University of Girona, together with other European 207 institutions and companies, is a member of the platform. euRobotics AISBL (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif) is a Brussels based international non-profit association for all stakeholders in European robotics. euRobotics builds upon the success of the European Robotics Technology Platform (EUROP) and the academic network of EURON, and will not only continue the cooperation but will also strengthen the bond between members of these two community driven organisations. Thus, leading towards the establishment of only one sustainable organisation for the European robotics community as a whole.


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