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Busy month for the Medical Imaging group

June 30, 2016

Very busy month for the Medical Imaging group with first, the visit of VICOROB’s member Oliver Diaz to the Technical University of Varna (TUV) in Bulgaria and second, the presentation of 3 research posters at the 13th International Workshop on Breast Imaging (IWDM) in Sweden.


Between June 6th – 9th, Oliver Diaz visited the laboratory of Computer Simulations in Medicine of the TUV and gave an invited talk entitled “The power of image processing in multimodal breast imaging” at the special session “eHealth and Networking for Advanced Cancer Detection“, as part of the IEEE Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking.


On the other hand, VICOROB’s members Eloy García, Robert Martí and Oliver Díaz attended the IWDM between June 19th – 22nd, where 200 participants from 27 countries presented their latest research. In this sense, VICOROB’s members presented the research developed within the SCARTOOL, SMARTER and IA-BioBreast research projects:







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