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VIBOT Erasmus Mundus Master gets “International Master Distinction” from the Catalan Government

June 6, 2014

A total of 59 official masters taught by different Catalan universities have gained a new distinction of International Master’s Programme (IMP), promoted by the Catalan Government. This accreditation aims to promote studies with a high degree of internationalization taught in the higher education system in Catalonia. The UdG has received this distinction for two programs: Erasmus Mundus European Master’s in Tourism Management (EMTM) and Erasmus Mundus European Master’s in Vision and Robotics (VIBOT).


The Director General of Universities, Luis Jofre, said this new label is a clear action that shows the commitment of Catalonia on “promoting internationalization and international competitiveness” of the Catalan university system, as reflected in the Government Plan 2011-2014. In addition, the label “gives visibility to Masters programs that offer more international dimension of our universities.” Jofre also pointed out the high degree of internationalization of the university system in Catalonia which has a 30% international students and a 40% in case of master’s to doctoral studies.


The VIBOT master is part of the ViCOROB teaching and on the 19th of June the 7th promotion is going to graduate at the UdG.



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