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Deep learning, AI, and Machine Learning

February 28, 2020

From the 15th to 20th of February, the Medical Imaging Congress took place in Huston, Texas. It is one of the leading congresses in the field of the medical imaging in the world, organized by SPIE, the International Society for Optics and Photonics).


It is a conference where the latest advances in image processing, physics, computed-aided diagnosis, perception, radiology and digital pathology, among other medical imaging fields is presented, with an increased focus on fast emerging areas like deep learning, AI, and machine learning.


At this congress, the medical imaging laboratory presented the work of the PhD student Basel Alyafi, related with the synthetic generation of mammography lesions. Moreover, we would like to highlight the participation of MAIA students and former students such as Anindo Saha, Fakrul I. Tushar, Khrystyna Faryna, for the work carried out at Duke University, USA, and Aljad Khan who is currently doing his doctorate at the University of Berna, Switzerland.


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