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First presential meeting of iToBoS project

September 14, 2022

The first presential meetings of iToBoS project after the pandemic situation took place last 7th September 2022 in Girona.

The University of Girona (UDG) as project coordinator hosted and organized the 4th General Assembly (GA) and 3rd Project Management Board (PMB) meetings at the Auditori Manel Xifra Boada, Scientific and Technological Park of Girona.


In the GA meeting, the current status, achievements, deliverables, milestones of the 13 work packages were analysed. Thirty-five participants attended the GA meeting presentially, while nine more participated through videoconference. All nineteen beneficiary entities were represented.

Later, the PMB members discussed the next steps, updates, delays and problems to solve in the project. In this meeting have attended in total sixteen face-to-face participants and five through videoconference system, including Project Coordinator (PC), Project Manager (PM), Innovation and Exploitation Manager (IEM), Dissemination and Communication Manager (DCM), Data Manager (DM) and WP leaders.



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