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On our way to Chicago: Annual Meeting #RSNA15

December 10, 2015

This year, the Radiological Society of North-America (RSNA) celebrated its 100 anniversary and the VICOROB group wanted to join the celebration. Dr. Joan Martí, Dr. Robert Marti and Eloy Garcia (PhD Student) flew to Chicago to attend the annual meeting of the RSNA. From medicine to CAD systems, the RSNA meeting was a look back at the evolution of radiology and a look ahead to its future.


During that week, radiologists and researchers from around the world, introduced the latest research in radiology, medicine and medical imaging. Breast, brain, gastro, heart, any organ of the body was represented.  Magnetic Resonance (MRI), Computer Tomography (CT), Positron Emission Tomography (PET), any image modality. Also, medical 3D printing, CAD systems and the latest technology was introduced and their applications on this field of the medicine. A lot of information in just one week!


Dr. Gubern-Mérida, nowadays working at the Radboud University Medical Center, ex-former member of the VICOROB group, introduced two papers during the CAD workshop. One about breast ultrasound segmentation and the other about mass detection in breast MRI. The latter is fruit of his PhD work and was done in collaboration with VICOROB.

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