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Six members of ViCOROB attend the Breaking the Surface summer school in Croatia

October 11, 2017

BtS (Breaking the Surface) is a summer workshop that encourages interaction and the exchange of knowledge and experience about the maritime robotics field and its applications. In 7 days, participants get first-hand knowledge about the latest in scientific research and results, technological achievements as well as hands-on experience in working with complex and modern underwater systems.


In the event, Nuno Gracias and Ricard Campos gave a tutorial on “Omnidirectional vision for underwater robots”. Marc Carreras gave a talk on “Towards persistent AUVs for seabed inspection”. Khadidja Himri, Patryk Cieslak and Joseta Roca also attended to the workshop.


Along the 7 days, the team had the chance to interact with other international labs and companies. Also, in the framework of the event, an EXCELLABUST project meeting was organized for the planing of the following 12 months of project, including topics like EMRA18 workshop that is going to take place in Limerik (Ireland).


( Photo: BTS organization )
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