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UDG PARTICIPATION TO THE 2019 IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems

September 30, 2019

The 12th edition of IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS) took place in Daejeon (Korea) from the 18th to the 20th of September 2019. The conference focuses on technical works reflecting the most recent and highest impact research and application results in the field of automatic control applied to marine systems.


Vicorob team was represented by Roger Pi (PhD student), who presented a paper entitled “multi-representation multi-heuristic A* motion planning for a dual arm underwater vehicle manipulation system”.


The conference was a great opportunity for our student to talk and discuss with experts of the field. The conference was ended by a technical tour of some laboratories on campus at KAIST and some of the nearby private and governmental institutions located in Daedeok Innopolis.


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