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March 7, 2019

The 3rd edition of IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC) took place in Naples (Italy) from the 25th to the 27th of February 2019. It is a young conference (3rd edition) focused on topics such as: Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.


Vicorob team was represented by Narcís Palomeras, who participated both in the conference as well as in the workshop entitled “Enabling factors for the boost of marine robots in real world applications”. In the conference, we participated in the panel about AI and Robotics while, in the workshop, Narcís delivered an invited talk about “Mapping, Exploration and Intervention using autonomous underwater vehicles”.


The conference was an opportunity to see the latest developments of our colleagues in Centre of Marine Research and Experimentation (CMRE), National Oceanographic Centre (NOC), JACOBS University, University of Pisa, … as well as to get to known this new conference. Next edition, expected for March 2020, will take place in Taichung (Taiwan).

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