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We participated in MICCAI 2018

September 28, 2018

MICCAI 2018, the 21st international conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, was held in Granada, Spain, from September 16th to 20th, 2018. The MICCAI conference attracts world-leading biomedical scientists, engineers and clinicians from a wide range of disciplines associated with medical imaging and computer-assisted intervention. The series of lectures includes three days of oral presentations and poster sessions. Besides, the day before and the day after is full of workshops, tutorials and challenges.


We participated in three different challenges, the MRBRAINS18, related to brain tissue segmentation, the BRATS2018, related to brain tumour segmentation and prediction, and the ISLES Challenge 2018, related to the segmentation of ischaemic stroke lesion segmentation. The responsible of presenting the works were Kaisar Kushibar, Mariano Cabezas, and Albert Clèrigues, respectively. It is worth to mention the 5th position we obtained in the ISLES challenge over more than 25 participants (we actually were the first non-Chinese participant) and the 6th position over 36 in the MRBRAINS18. Moreover, Sandra Gonzalez gave an oral lecture in the PACTH-MI workshop (Patch-Based Techniques in Medical Imaging), where she explained her proposal to extend brain multi-atlas segmentation in brains with focal lesions, like the ones of multiple sclerosis patients. This work was done in collaboration with the researchers of Vanderbilt University, where she did her research stay.


The MICCAI conference has been an excellent opportunity to talk and share experiences with top leader researchers in the world. We have seen the recent trends in medical imaging and we hope to participate also next year in Shenzhen (China).


Photo: ISLES organization
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