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Category: News

News, Underwater Robotics, Underwater Vision

Last week we participated actively in European Robotics Forum that took place in the beautiful city of Vienna […]

News, Projects, Underwater Robotics, Underwater Vision

During the last days of January (28-30.1.2015) Girona was the venue of the project meeting as well as […]


L’equip Estanys Robotmania de l’escola Els Estanys de Platja d’Aro i l’equip Campalanets de l’institut Rafael Campalans d’Anglès […]

Medical Imaging, News, Projects

With less than a year left to conclude the ASSURE project, a party of 6 people from ViCOROB […]


ViCOROB wants to wish you Happy Holidays and Happy New Year…:) We will be closed from December the […]

News, Underwater Vision

The Spanish Consulate in Romania invites Prof. Rafael Garcia for a speech in the Politechnic University of Timisoara […]

Educational Robotics, News, Underwater Robotics

Inventors4Change ( vol proporcionar als nens les eines, les tècniques i els coneixements que els permetin dissenyar els […]

Medical Imaging, News, Projects

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Estudis recents han demostrat que mesures obtingudes a través de les imatges de ressonància magnètica (RM) poden ser […]

News, Scientific Results, Underwater Robotics, Underwater Vision

Vehicle operations in underwater environments are frequently compromised by poor visibility conditions. The perception range of optical devices […]

Medical Imaging, News, Scientific Results

  This thesis deals with the detection of new multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions in longitudinal brain magnetic resonance […]