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Klemen Istenic wins Student Poster Award to 60th MTS/IEEE OCEANS Conference

June 30, 2017

The 60th MTS/IEEE OCEANS Conference took place from the 19th to 22nd of June 2017 in Aberdeen, Scotland. Covering all aspects of ocean science, technology and engineering, the conference provides a nice venue for interaction among engineers, researchers, and marine scientists.


Girona Underwater Vision and Robotics team together participated in all aspects of the conference, with the showcase of the Sparus II AUV in the exhibition hall, presentation on our work on Real-time Fish Detection in the main program as well as with two PhD students (Eduard Vidal and Klemen Istenic selected for the student poster competition.


During the three day competition for the Student Poster Award, 20 selected students from around the world had to present their work in front of their posters to 8 international judges as well as other interested public. This gave the students a chance to get valuable feedback from experienced scientists from both academia and industry. Among all, our PhD student Klemen Istenic was selected as the winner and presented with the Norman Miller Prize for his work on Mission-time 3D Reconstruction with Quality Estimation.

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