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TNA experiments in the VICOROB’s infrastructures

March 11, 2020

From the 2nd to the 6th of March, a team of researchers and students of the Université de Toulon have been carrying out experiments at the facilities of the CIRS.

These tests allowed them to collect real data regarding the dynamic behaviour of SPARUS AUV which will be compared with the data from the simulator they are developing in order to improve their predictions.


This action has been possible thanks to the Trans-National Access (TNA) offered by the European project EUMarineRobots. The main objective of the EUMR project is to open up key national and regional marine robotics research infrastructures to all European researchers, from both academia and industry, ensuring their optimal use and joint development to establish a world-class marine robotics integrated infrastructure.


If you are a student, industrial researcher and academic or entrepreneur and you are interested in applying for a TNA to carry out experiments with Girona500 AUV or Sparus II AUV, you have time to apply until the 15th of April 2020!


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