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Category: News


It is time to rest, we are going out of the office for a few days !!! More […]

Medical Imaging, News, Scientific Results

The rapid growth of digital technology in medical fields during the last few years has increased the need […]


Al llarg d’aquesta setmana té lloc el campus PRESUB on joves de tota la província venen a conèixer […]


En Pau Sagúe i l’Eloi Canals, tot i tenir 16 anys, ja són a la Universitat. La UdG […]

News, Underwater Robotics, Underwater Vision

“Four months in the United States. Working with motion planning experts” In 2013, I started evaluating different alternatives […]

3D perception, News

In March and April, I had the opportunity to attend two different international conferences to present my work […]

Master Programs, News

The ViBOT day is an event that the Erasmus Mundus Master VIBOT organizes every year at the Scientific […]

Medical Imaging, News, Projects

Oliver Diaz, postdoctoral researcher at ViCOROB, has been appointed as Visiting Academic Researcher in the Faculty of Engineering […]

News, Underwater Robotics, Underwater Vision

From 28-30th of April 2015, Girona Underwater Vision and Robotics team moved to Hotel Carlemany to organize IFAC […]

Medical Imaging, News, Scientific Results

Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DCE-MRI) of the breast is employed for breast cancer screening in women with […]