
iToBoS 7th GA meeting and 6th PMB meeting in Girona

The iToBoS 7th General Assembly (GA) meeting and 6th Project Management Board (PMB) meeting took place on March 6th, 2024 in Girona. Both meetings were hosted and organized by the University of Girona (UDG).


In the GA meeting, the consortium conducted an in-depth analysis of the iToBoS project. This encompassed a review of its status, accomplishments, outstanding tasks, delivered items, and the milestones achieved until M36. The consortium concluded that the project is advancing satisfactorily well and meets the performance standards set in the contingency plan, as specified in the project amendment.


UDG briefed the attendees on how to proceed to prepare their contributions to the Periodic Report 2, due by end May 2024, and offered guidance for the first Review Meeting that will take place on June 2024. Twenty-nine participants attended in-person and eight through videoconference, representing all beneficiary entities.